Raspberry Summer Protein Salad
Serves 2
5x Handfuls Baby Spinach
1x Large handful of Fresh Basil
1/2 Cup Raw Unsalted Cashews
1x Punnet Raspberries
3x Tbsp Chia Seeds
1x Mango
1x Avocado
1/2 Red Onion
1/4 Cup Hemp Seeds
Lime to garnish
1x Fresh Lime
1x Generous drizzle Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Apple Cider Vinegar
Salt & Pepper as desired
1. Chop basil, mango, avocado, red onion and lime.
2. Place baby spinach in large salad bowl.
3. Add chopped basil, mango, red onion and avocado. Also add hemp seeds, chia seeds, raspberries and cashews.
4. Add olive oil, apple cider vinegar and squeeze lime over top. Toss salad until well mixed.
5. Top with fresh lime and salt and pepper to taste