Welcome to my Journal...

 A diary dedicated to recording my life, the lessons I have learned along the way, the travels I do and everything in between.

Here you'll find blogs about lifestyle, travel, body & soul (health, happiness etc) and charities. You can drop in to this page at any time for a taste of motivation, inspiration, to see more pics from my travels and life or just for the sake of something to do! 

A place to find and seek answers, guidance and tips for all things life related...
Stress & anxiety, bullying, mental health, happiness, moods, boys, relationships, sex, grieving, mindfulness, friends, family and top secret girls business. 

Here is where I'll also discuss some of the topics that aren't often spoken about. These topics are SO important to talk about to begin removing any negative stigma attached to them and to build awareness about these important issues - even if they are seen as somewhat "inappropriate", taboo, unconventional or usually avoided all together. 

Here is a safe place to learn, grow, question and explore. 
Here, I want to start breaking down barriers and enable you a place of sanctuary and information - especially for those things you may find awkward bringing up with your friends or family.

if there is anything that you wish to find here, but cannot currently find any information on, please let me know and I will do my best to add it in for future reference.

Whatever your reason for being here, I hope you enjoy! 

Love and light,
Sjana x