Last Saturday, I decided to host a beach picnic.
To me, the whole point of our existence is connection. As humans, we have the ability to communicate through words, body language and energy for a reason - and that reason is to share our own lives with the lives of others. To grow together, coexist and live allow not only our own lights to shine, but to give for permission for others to share theirs too.
I wanted to bring people together. And with the forecast showing Saturday to be a bright and sunny day, I thought there is nothing better than getting like-minded people together, sharing a few hello's, sharing our own stories together and allowing the human need and desire for connection to become reality.
I partnered with Miss Mays Picnics (Info below) and together we co hosted the most extraordinary beach picnic at redhead beach. perched upon the sand dunes, basking beneath the blue sky and warming sunshine, surrounded by a light ocean breeze and a whole heap of smiles!
I posted it on my IG account to see who wanted to come, and before I knew it, there was about 50 people all surrounding the vegan and gluten free plantiful feast that sat on the table, and connecting heart to heart. People of all ages, from all over the world! Children and teens, mums and bubs, girlfriends bought their partners, a couple of sisters even bought their dad, and it was honestly one of the most beautiful things to witness... Pure connection and open hearted love.
Thanks again to Miss Mays Picnics for helping make this day possible!!
Instagram: @miss.mays.picnics
Here's how it went down: