Seven Days To A More Positive Outlook

Seven Days To A More Positive Outlook

When was the last time you became consciously aware that you were having a good day?
Weeks ago? Months ago? Years ago…?
Being positive isn’t something that comes easily or naturally for most people. Society, technology and history has for whatever reason shaped us to be more questionable and pessimistic than positive and optimistic.
Unfortunately stress, concern, doubt and worry tend to be common factors and feelings in our day. These emotions often overshadow relaxation, contentment and gratitude.
BUT, it doesn’t need to be this way…
Thankfully, there are a handful of SIMPLE things you can do each day to begin training your mind to be more open and positive!
    1. Gratitude
      Start by writing down or consciously thinking of three things you are grateful for each day. Try to do this at the same time every day, this could be the first thing in the morning, right before bed, or just before you dig in to your lunch for example. This way you will begin to create new patterns and adopt new habits to look for positivity and greatness within your own life.
    1. Exercise
      EVERYONE knows exercise releases endorphins. Well, everyone who has seen “Legally Blonde” anyway haha!
      Elle:“Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy. Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands, they just don’t.”
      Exercise is literally scientifically proven to lift your mood, reduce stress, promote better sleep and make you happier!
      If that isn’t convincing you, I don’t know what will!
    1. Hydration and a healthy diet
      We are what we eat. Fuel your body with GOODNESS, and you will feel and be that same goodness.
      Try to eat less from a packet and more from the earth. Less processed, more homestyle healthy and deliciously simple foods.
      It’s amazing just how much of a difference this can create!
      You will feel lighter, healthier and brighter before you know it!
      Oh, and drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day will help you to feel vibrant, so DRINK UP SISTER!
    1. Take time out
      Just as it is important to have a clean body through eating well and exercising, it is important to declutter your mind. Allow yourself time to relax, ponder and be curious. Your mind doesn’t have to be problem-solving or in and “efficient” state all the time. Give the executive functioning part of your brain a break and explore other things you can do with your mind Let your imagination run wild, let your senses take over, or just “be”.
    Meditate, even just for five or ten minutes a day or a couple of times a week. Quiet the mind. Remove the noise and chaos from your immediate thoughts and allow yourself to dive within your soul. Here you will learn a lot. Self silence can sometimes be the best teacher.
    P.S Even if you feel like you “can’t” do it, or that it is not working, you are gifting yourself with love, time and self compassion. This is not a waste of time. And the little bits you do, WILL be having an impact!
    1. Kindness
      Being kind to self and others is one of the simplest ways I know to bring instant happiness and positivity into your life. Doing good, FEELS good.
      I double dare you to try it today!
    1. Journalling
      Journalling is a great way to reflect upon your day and help spark thankfulness, gratitude and happiness. Instead of sitting on your phone before bed, try writing down everything you can remember, the way it made you feel, smells, people, things you saw etc.
    1. Remove Judgement
      It is fine to feel ALL emotions. But it is not necessary to feel ongoing negativity because of these emotions. Having bad thoughts doesn’t make you a bad human. It simply makes you human, full stop.
      You can think and feel anything and everything, this is normal. However, letting go of judgement (why you are thinking or feeling these things, and if anyone else is thinking or feeling those things) and removing attachment to these things is what will ultimately help you to feel more positive and happy. Simply recognise when your mind is using those “I should/shouldn’t do…”, “I should/shouldn’t have…”, “I should/shouldn’t be…”, “I should/shouldn’t feel …” statements, and ignore them. It is ok to be you and feel the way you do.
      Think of your emotions and thoughts like the waves at the beach. Allow these thoughts and feelings to come, to tickle the shoreline, and then watch them softly and smoothly roll away again. No judgement, no criticism and no getting caught up in them or controlled by them.

      Love and light,
      Sjana x