Sixteen Brand New Buddies,
Eleven Workouts,
Seven Days,
Four Villas,
Two Personal Trainers and
One Set of Common Interests – fitness, fun and making memories and friendships that will last outlast eternity.
Throughout the seven days, there were eleven (optional) workouts. One in the morning, to wake us from our restful slumber in our tranquil villas, and one in the afternoon, around 4pm giving us a healthy appetite for dinner. All the workouts were created to be do-able and achievableby a variety of people, of all different genders, skill level and ability. Damien Kelly, (owner of Damien Kelly Fitness Studios, Exercise Scientist, Author of ‘The Little Book of Big Workouts” and Father or two beautiful children) and Rachel Skilling (Personal Trainer, Fitness Model and Owner of Skillz PT) were the masterminds behind creating a varied array of interesting workouts, whilst simultaneously helping each person with technique and motivation.
Each and every workout was different, and never boring. I actually learnt more about fitness and workouts in that single week, than I had ever learnt through either formal education or experience. Instead of telling us what to do for a workout, our instructors took the time and energy to not only instruct and demonstrate what and how to do each workout or exercise, but also explain the reason as to why it is beneficial for our bodies both now and in later life.
Workouts ranged from circuit, to Tabata, boxing, beach workouts, endurance training, stair runs, cardio, ladder workout, team Spartan workout and a race workout-formulated workout – all equally challenging and endorphin releasing. The pain was definitely worth it. As a group, where every person did almost every workout, collectively it was empowering through the teamwork , team spirit and peer support too! Not a skerrick of unhealthy competition to be found at any time, only uplifting support and praise!

Going into the week, I was admittedly insecure about it possibly being very intense, overtly challenging and overwhelming, but I am happy to report, it exceeded my expectation on all levels!
Physically demanding?
At times.
All workouts were optional. The group was very good at turning up to workouts, and only a few people missed sessions here and there… In retrospect, this assisted in maintaining and growing the group’s strength as a small friendship group and community. Workouts contained different performance level goals, so were created to challenge, but not stress. If injuries were present, the instructors were more than adequately prepared to alter the workouts and exercises to be beneficial not painful, just for you! Times between workouts were to be used as desired. The Villa accommodation was incredible, so relaxing by the pool or socialising with other participants in our own little slice of heaven in the paradise of Bali was just so easy. Of course there were utings to the local nooks, coffee stores and eateries for a fresh cut coconut or down to the beach for a surf. The workouts definitely tested us, and the leisure rejuvenated us. The balance was just right, and thoroughly enjoyed!
Fulfilling? Liberating? Empowering? Inspiring? Uplifting? Memorable?
ALL of the above!Thanks to Zanna Conlan, the Active Escapes coordinator, that week in Bali was one I will truly never forget! Not only did I enjoy my time there, but I am inspired to go back to Bali and involve myself in even more opportunities similar to that Active Escapes helped me experience. The active experience helped create and nurture self-awareness, friendships and memories alike. Even those who ventured on their Bali journey alone (which was the majority or participants, including myself!) said they would not change a thing, it was unforgettable, and such an uplifting experience for them both physically and emotionally.
If fun structured workouts, sunshine, an exotic fling out of your mundane life and familiar comfort zone, surfing, socialising, good healthy food, and an Active Escape in beautiful Bali sounds like your kind of thing… I definitely recommend you experiencing your own!
Each Escape is similar, but different as each is individually created – AND you get out of the experience, what you put in!
Love and light,
Sjana x