Words are more powerful than we think.
Affirmations have the ability, to transform our mentality, perspective and ultimately, our life!
here are some of my favourite ones lately!
I will repeat one or a few of these to myself every single day, as a way of reminding myself just how unique, extraordinary, strong and capable I am as a woman and as my own being…
I am worthy of love.
I am fully open to giving love.
I am fully open to receiving love.
I am abundant with compassion and kindness.
I forgive instantly, completely and unconditionally.
I forgive myself.
I forgive others.
I love myself unconditionally.
I love others unconditionally.
I use my WHOLE heart.
I give. But I know it is also okay to take when I need it.
My heart space is warm and open.
My mind is powerful.
My soul is kind.
Love is my guiding truth.
I am fulfilling my hearts desires and chasing my dreams.
I am choosing to fill my heart with happiness and joy.
I am grateful for all my blessings.
I acknowledge and embrace my uniqueness.
I am creating loving and supportive relationships.
My heart no longer holds on to past hurts.
I am free from negativity.
My heart is strong and beautiful.
My body is strong and beautiful.
I do not control every situation, but I do have the ability to control how I choose to react and feel.
I am responsible for and have complete control my own wellbeing.
I am happy.
I used to think affirmations were very egotistical. And that only people who were “up themselves” would say them. I discouraged and judged myself so harshly, that I couldn’t bring myself to say, let alone believe, these things.
however, the more open I became to the idea, the more open my heart and mind grew.
Today, I am confident in saying that affirmations (not just these ones, but all kinds of affirmations!) are one of the ways in which I helped myself to recover from depression and that ridiculously dark, deep hole I had gotten myself in to.
I promise you it is not egotistical of you to say these things about yourself.
it is empowering and important for everyone to truly know their worth, value their existence and give thanks for the body, mind and soul they were blessed with!
Give it a go! Try using affirmations for yourself and see just how powerful these simple words can truly become if only you allow them to manifest in to your life!
love and light,
Sjana x