Anonymous asked: How do I live free?
You wake up. You wake up and smile. you wake up and smile and take a deep breath in; Inhale. Hold that breath and just take a quiet moment to be thankful for that breath, or even for the ability to breathe in general - Because essentially, that breath is life. Now breathe out and feel any kind of stress or tension being released from your body.
Now’s the hard part - getting out of bed! I swear this is the hardest thing to do sometimes (no joke!) I find it so much more invigorating if I do it with oomph! If I literally jump out of bed rather than rolling out and splat onto the floor only face. Give it a go and see if it works for you! I also find it helps if i sleep with the blinds open so I can see what kind of beautiful day the universe has in store for me :) then just DO. Get up and be proactive - do what you have to do. Eat a good breakfast. Go to school/work/sport etc. Do it because you WANT to be active and happy - not because you HAVE to. Change your attitude, invert your frown. If you have spare time do something uplifting do something that requires energy. Have a lot of spare time - go for workout! Meditate. Take a deep breath and smell the flowers, literally! Find little tiny things in every day to be grateful for - food, the sunshine, a lorikeet dancing in a tree etc.. And care? Well care less.. Undertand that stressing will not eliminate the problem. Being proactive and taking positive progressive steps will eliminate or decrease it - so do those things! Eat balanced. Treat yourself once in a while. use more energy. Make someone smile. Help someone else out. Get in touch with nature. Submerge yourself in water (sounds weird but I am at my most peaceful whilst under the surface). Music! Listen to good, mellow (acoustic is my favourite) music! Relish everything! Be enlightened by people, tastes, sounds, smells, textures, temperatures.. Listen and really FEEL things. Take your shoes off and go earthing - when there is no shoe in-between your foot and ground it is called earthing - it is the connection and sharing of energy and impulses through one organism to another - earth to you and you to it. Try it! Get dirty! Play outside. Get back in touch with your childhood. Release energy by running, skipping, jumping, rolling, dancing.
Eat well again. Drink lots of water, say please and thank you, give compliments, be kind. Give to the world and it will give back.. Take a minute to throw your head back, close your eyes and soak up THAT moment. That exact moment in time; it will never ever be the same. You will never ever be the same as you are right then. Enjoy it. I'm not religious at all but I do respect the cross and other religions and occasionally i’ll just be thankful to whatever caused this incredible beauty; life! If you’re religious, pray, meditate, soothe etc. And last but not least, you need to love to be free. You need to give it. Love is something that doesn’t just run out.. It’s infinite, you can give as much as you want to as many people as you like..
Love and light,
Sjana x