Learn To Love Yourself

Learn To Love Yourself

Anonymous asked: I'm fat, bored/boring, and depressed. What shall I do?


Go look in the mirror. Go stare at the BEAUTIFUL reflection in that goddamn reflective piece of glass until you truly believe that you are NONE of those things. For every insult you criticise yourself with, give yourself five positive compliments! You are so much more than you even believe, one day you’ll see it. You’ll be telling yourself that you are at your lowest, that you can’t do something and you’ll honestly for a second believe that you can’t. And then you’ll have a moment of pure clarity when you realise that you can be whatever you want to be or become. The only limitations are the ones you give yourself. Your worst enemy has been your mind but only because you let it be. It can also be your best friend and greatest blessing if you are willing to let it help you, help yourself. “Our greatest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our greatest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure”. So you go to that mirror. And you smile. You tell yourself over and over how unique, blessed and BEAUTIFUL you really are. Reassure yourself, everyday, multiple times from here on in that you are strong, confident, courageous and capable of absolutely anything you want to be capable of. Learn to love yourself and accept yourself for all that you are and aren’t; all that you have and don’t have, learn to love yourself for everything you are blessed with. Because really, i mean really really. It is amazing. YOU are amazing.


Love and light,
Sjana x