Respect Yourself, Your Values And Your Family's Values

Respect Yourself, Your Values And Your Family's Values

Anonymous asked: Have you ever been in a situation where you've been at a gathering or a party with drunk boys and they've pressured you to do something that you didn't want to do? I don't want to get too personal but if you have ever stood up for your self saying you don't want to do anything in a situation like this, how did or would you say it? Please answer I beg, need help xxxx


Response: Saying it is the easy part. Its the THINKING or contemplating whether to or not to say anything is the hard part. If you know something is wrong - say so! Stand up for yourself, your rights, your beliefs and your values/morals. You’ll be surprised, most others have a conscience too - and most of them kick in when given a lead! If you’re thinking something is bad/wrong, chances are 99% of the other people are thinking it too! And it is likely that if you do the right thing and stand up, others will back you! If they don’t - so what! You can rest easy knowing you did the right thing, have no regrets and a clean conscience! You will be more confident in yourself and your choices and will have grown as a person I am SURE of it!! X

Love and light,
Sjana x